Sunshine Coast Animal Refuge

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SCARS 2020 Australia Day Award

What a great way to start the year with SCARS being announced as the winner of the Sunshine Coast community organisation Australia Day award for 2020.

This is for the 40,000+ animals SCARS has rescued and rehomed over the last 40 Years! It’s also for the animals who don’t end up at SCARS, that we help in the community through our community desex programs and SCARS Daisy Chain, for the animals we help through our compassionate care program and for all the animals we are yet to help!

This award acknowledges the compassion, empathy and just plain hard work of all of our volunteers, members and staff over the last 40 years! There would be thousands of you! To all of you past, present and those yet to join SCARS, Thankyou for all you do and have done.